Upcoming Quizzes! Treaty of Versailles Map Quiz & Treaty of Versailles Quiz

Tuesday, Jan. 18: Map Quiz

You need to be able to identify the following newly created/changed
countries in Europe and mandates in the Middle East:

Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Turkey,
Syria, Palestine, Transjordan and Iraq.

You also need to be able to identify the following territorial
concessions & explain the economic and/or strategic importance; or
their relevance to the concept of nationalism and self-determination:

Rhineland, Alsace-Lorraine, Saar, Danzig, Polish Corridor and Sudetenland.

Thursday, Jan.20: Treaty of Versailles Quiz/Test

A comprehensive quiz on the main clauses of the Paris Peace Treaties
(we will review much of this again next class): Big 3, Allied Goals,
Main Treaties, Treaty of Versailles, Territorial Losses, Article 231,
reparations, etc.

It will consist of some MC questions, some shirt answer and a document study.